Vlog One: A Long SnapChat Story

I haven't been writing a lot of text blog posts lately, but it's only because video editing and my animals have essentially taken over my existence. I promise there will be more fashion, lifestyle, and personal posts soon, because I miss writing and doing something I actually think I might be good at. Videography, technology, and editing software have a way of actualizing all of your deeply rooted fears and making them into permanent and seemingly endless failures. But I aim to integrate Ariel Reverie into the YouTube world and use both my blog posts and my video posts concurrently, hopefully to further the little world that is Ariel Reverie. I will prevail Adobe demons. I WILL LEARN YOU.
Here I present to you my very first blog, filled with SnapChat video and aggressive animal stalking, both two of my favorite past times. Thank you, as always, for your continued support and please don't hesitate to subscribe to my channel. As of now, I have a total of five subscribers and one is my sister. Though I value her love and support in droves, I one day would like my work to extend to people beyond my immediate family (aka my only fans), so don't be afraid to leave a comment, ask a question, or get to know me on my blog or on my videos. I promise I am mostly harmless.
I love all you beautiful humans!

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